I read the comments on reddit from the above post.
Hmm... Interesting to say the least.
What if part of the huge requests for money was to pay the lawyers to keep them, the GB, out of jail for as long as possible.
So, they cut back on building, rob all the kingdom halls of any assets but nicely let them keep $5,000... (until they need it... )
Only print 3 Watchtowers and 3 Awake's all year for the public.
They got rid of all of the district overseers. A circuit overseer is put out to pasture at age 70. They sent home scores of Bethelites.
No printing facility at Chelmsford will be built. No 13 apartments blocks there either, only 5.
Keep telling the sheeples everyone lies but them. hahaha What a joke.
I was thinking the GB were swinging things so that when their naive audience wakes up, they will have had enough money, assets etc hidden away all over the world to keep themselves and their closest buddies afloat when WT crashes. I never imagined they would go to prison. Oh... That is a nice thought.